Njohn 14 verse 6 commentary on the books

David guzik commentary on john 14, where jesus gives the disciples the promise of the holy spirit. You need to realize that this is an intolerant teaching and it makes the christian faith an intolerant religion. I am the way and the truth and the life is one of the seven i am statements of jesus. Advance your knowledge of scripture with this resource library of over 40 reference books, including commentaries and study bible notes. A verse by verse commentary on the gospel according to john. In the next five verses, there are three false things that some people say verses 6, 8 and 10. It is enough that the awful warning to peter, which followed the announcement of the treachery of judas and his departure, the solemnity of the lord, and the clear announcement of his approaching death, had fallen like a. Verse by verse commentaries by book precept austin. Verses 14 15 this verse refers to an incident in the old testament numbers 21. If it be asked where this way begins, and whither it goes, the answer is evident. To understand the basic tenants of christinsom one needs to understand the basic keys.

See, among other examples in the book of common prayer, the gospels for st. This sunday is the first of two sundays from the 14 th chapter of john. John 14 is the fourteenth chapter of the gospel of john in the new testament of the christian. Observe the effect this miracle had upon the people. Study john 14 using matthew henry bible commentary complete to better. Then a great multitude followed him, because they saw his. In my fathers house from whence i came, whither i am going, and to which place i am conducting you. The sea of galilee has had different names over the centuries, but most seem to think it was called the sea of galilee during jesus time. John 14 commentary matthew henry commentary on the whole.

John 14 bible commentary matthew henry complete christianity. I looked up book of john and halfway down the first chapter i saw philip. If we keep reading beyond verse 6, we realize that the father has already come, is already present, in the life and. Matthew henrys wellknown sixvolume exposition of the old and new testaments 170810 or complete commentary, provides an exhaustive verse by verse study of the bible, covering the whole of the old testament, and the gospels and acts in the new testament. But immediately they apply to a different and improper purpose the kno. What did jesus mean when he said, i am the way and the. John 14 new international version niv jesus comforts his disciples. Unfortunately, this verse has often been used as a trump card, or worse, as a threat, to tell people that. Jesus saith unto him, i am the way our lord takes the opportunity of this discourse about the place he was going to, and the way unto it, more fully to instruct his disciples concerning himself, saying, i am the way. Not only does jesus characterize himself as truth in john 14. And whither i go ye know i have told you this so often and so plainly that ye must certainly have comprehended what i have said. Jesus says that he is going back to heaven to prepare a place for his disciples. A free bible version and commentary johns first letter in easyenglish.

Buttrick devoted most of an entire book to the mountain truth of this text, presenting jesus. Do not say, my relationship with god is fine and we enjoy each others fellowship if you are living in sin without confessing or repenting because it just isnt true and it reflects badly on jesus. Then, i make a comment about this idea that god created it, but i have now added john 1. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. John 14 verses 1417, 1921 on uncial 060, written about 6th century. Commentary on the book of gospel of john by matthew henry. However others are overwhelmed with the sorrows of this present time, be not you so. Johns gospel free bible commentary in easy english. This bible study draws from those gospels, as well as from the other books of the bible. But this is obscured in our version by the common inaccuracy this way or that way for the way. And the other clue is the text we looked at on easter john 20. He incisively gets to the meaning of the text, and is quite willing to devote space to interacting with the views of other commentators, meaning there is never a dull moment. After his death and resurrection, he returned to heaven. And greater works than these will every believer do, because i am going to the father john 14.

Why did jesus say i am the way, the truth and the life in john 14. A little of the divine nature was known by the works of creation. The book of john, chapter 14 offers free online access to study passages and verses contained in the holy scriptures of the douay rheims version of the catholic bible. The miracle appears to have been attended by some advantage, that they acknowledge the author of it to be the messiah. Now here he makes this the matter, not only of our adoration, but of our thankfulness, because from that fulness of his we all have received. After these things jesus went over the sea of galilee, which is the sea of tiberias. Some of the ancients observe that the other evangelists wrote more of the.

Chapters 17 are best known as the farewell discourse in the fourth gospel. Is this statement of jesus christ a misnomer difficult to understand. Chapter narrated the footwashing, the last meal shared between jesus and his disciples, and the departure of judas to the dark side. Apr 21, 2012 the first is the phrase at the end of verse 12, because i am going to the father. But jesus felt compassion for them, taught them, and healed their sick mark 6.

Lord, we know not thomas, perhaps, thought that our lord only spoke of his going some distance from the place where he then was. It begins in the cold, dark, desolate region, into which sin has thrown the moral and material condition of every living man. When he had convicted and discarded judas, he set himself to comfort the rest, who were full of sorrow upon what he had said of leaving them, and a great many good words. Verse 7 offers the contrast, and calls believers to live according to gods. For a scholarly treatment of john s gospel see craig blomberg, the historical reliability of john s gospel. John 14 mary anoints jesus at bethany 12 six days before i the passover, j jesus therefore came to bethany, k where lazarus was, whom jesus had raised from the dead. Rolf jacobson, karoline lewis, david lose, and matt skinner,for a conversation around preaching the lectionary texts for easter 5. John 14 commentary ironsides notes on selected books. One evidence of john s intended audience as being to the world was that he often explains names, places and customs which would be unfamiliar to nonjews, indicating the audience that god intended the gospel of. Resources matthew henrys commentary john chapter 6 verses 114 verses 114 we have here an account of christs feeding five thousand men with five loaves and two fishes, which miracle is in this respect remarkable, that it is the only passage of the actions of christs life that is recorded by all the four evangelists. This chapter is a continuation of christs discourse with his disciples after supper. The son of god a verse by verse commentary on the gospel according to john on. John 6 commentary spurgeons verse expositions of the bible.

The gospel of john complete bible commentary verse by verse. We think the bible begins there, but there was an earlier beginning, john 1. If you ever get to the point in your life where you think youve run out of escapes and there arent any more places where you can rest, youll find a tremendously soft, downy pillow in john 14. In john chapter 14 verse 6 if jesus saith, i am the way, the truth and the life no man cometh unto the father but by me, was he wrong. Our evangelist, like a consecrated priest, alone opens up to us the view into this sanctuary. Bible exposition commentary versebyverse commentary.

We now come to that portion of the evangelical history which we may with propriety call its holy of holies. The disciples were aware of jesus conflict with jewish authorities and the danger that it presented. It is not necessary to follow codex d and some of the versions, and here introduce into the text. Read commentary on this popular bible verse and understand the real meaning behind gods word using john gills exposition of. It was customary to send someone ahead to prepare a place to stay and make arrangements for meals. Now if any man have not the spirit of christ, he is none of his.

May 22, 2011 sermon brainwave podcast brainwave 176. Verse jesus, the son of man, is the only connection between heaven and earth. Some have thought that the prologue to the fourth gospel was composed separately by someone other than the evangelist. Intervarsity press, 2001 the greatest strength of the book is probably the amount of interpretation that goes into each verse. Jesus saith unto him, i am the way, the truth, and the life. An outstanding commentary that does just about everything an evangelical student or teacher of the bible could possibly want from a commentary on john.

The farewell discourse in chapter, jesus gathered the disciples together in the upper room for the passover meal. Browse studies about 200 articles, over 5,100 verse by verse. What did jesus mean when he said, i am the way and the truth and the life john 14. Jesus would give the holy spirit so that he indicating a person, not a thing may abide in us permanently and not temporarily, as in. Though willing to receive the physical bread, many would not receive the living breadjesus christ who came down from heaven. Jesus answered, i am the way and the truth and the life. The jews believed that to touch certain things made people unclean inside their hearts and spirits. Even the common jews expected the messiah to come into the world, and to be a great prophet. It is normal for us to look for what lends meaning to our lives, and gives satisfaction. So he explained why there were pots of water in the house. Doing the works of jesus and greater works desiring god. One of his books was about his mother, margaret ogilvy, and his growing up in scotland. John 14 commentary commentary critical and explanatory.

What did jesus mean when he said, i am the way and the truth. The usual reasons given for seeing the prologue as a separate composition involve the unique vocabulary it employs. Or, because christians are included in verse 20, it would be, no, hes in me. On the last night before his betrayal and death, jesus was preparing his disciples for the days ahead. Commentary on the whole bible volume v matthew to john by matthew henry. Bible version and commentary 2800 word vocabulary on the book of 1 john. John 6 records christs fourth journey in the third year of his ministry when he preached by the sea of galilee. On the next day, jesus taught in the synagogue in capernaum, saying, i am the bread of life john 6. Matthew henry made the following commentary about the bible chapter of john 14.

Gospel of john 1 commentary new testament matthew henry. So they washed their hands before and during a meal to make themselves clean again. Ellicott explains that the words are not identical in meaning. John wrote this gospel, as inspired by god, after the gospels of matthew, mark and luke already had been written, and assumes the readers familiarity with some of the details e. He was in heaven but he came down to live with us on the earth. A verse by verse commentary on the gospel according to john rice, john r. Click the following link for additional help with biblical studies, sunday school lessons and bible study.

The word in could prove to be quite a puzzle because, if we understood it as inside rather than in union with, we would have god and christ crawling inside and out of each other. And now he lives in our spirits by means of the holy spirit. Dec 27, 2016 a fundamental key statement in christian theology. Matthew henry 18 october 1662 22 june 1714 was an english commentator on the bible, who published his works in 1706, sixvolume exposition of the old and new testaments 17081710 or complete commentary, provides an exhaustive verse by verse study of the bible, covering the whole of the old testament, and the gospels and acts in the new testament. Verse 6 john was not writing only for the benefit of the jews but also for the benefit of the gentiles.

Jesus had sent peter and john to make ready for the passover meal mk. Christ is not merely the way, as he goes before his people as an example. The book of john series scott huckaby is developing a bible study series that will be a verse by verse exposition of the book of john. If we walk in the light as he himself is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of jesus his son cleanses us from all sin. Jesus said to him, i am the way, and the truth, and the life. John 14, new king james version nkjv the bible app. Jesus goes ahead of us and opens up the way for us heb. Verses 114 matthew henrys commentary bible gateway. I have manifested thy name efanerwsa, i have brought it into light, and caused it to shine in itself, and to illuminate others.

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